Friday, November 03, 2006

C++ ('C' for 'Coding')

This post is one of my replies in under the topic: "Does Writing Code Matter?"
I fully agree with Jeff Atwood in what he says. My perception of what Mr.Atwood has referred to is this: A programmer can be a better and "important" human being (which includes him being a better and important programmer) by exercising skills other than coding. I remember my first few days of learning Java. Classes, Objects, polymorphism, what not. It did not occur to me how to start coding a simple class with the main method. I was blank. All hopes vanished and I knowingly quit the idea of coding in Java. That was 7 years ago. Now I have got over 6 years of experience in Java with a Sun certification. All I need to tell is that although I quit Java, I continued communicating with and understanding people and objects around me. The next day I found myself trying to think whether the person I talked to the last day was an object. Yes it was. An object named Shantanu. Did it have properties which matched mine? Disappointingly yes, but yes. That made a class out of us, Human. The rest is history. When a programmer or an aspirant talks to people, socializes, he learns and makes people learn and the growth he attains is 360degree. He not only acquires knowledge but creates knowledge. The forum has seen people denying Jeff's suggestion that "we spend less time coding and more time developing skills in other areas that complement our coding skills". He never asked us to forget coding. Come on, that's our bread and butter, at least for me it is. I perceive that he is pointing towards a Paradigm Shift. A thinking which would enable us to be smart developers, being smart would help us cut on our development times, times that we could spend in closer-to-life activities, times which our parents, wives, children would love to spend with us, times which would help us to socialize and be a better and important human. The cycle goes on buddy, the cycle goes on.